Executing an energetic certificate
Having an energetic certificate executed in case of selling or renting properties has been obligatory in Hungary since the 1st of January, 2012. Only properly qualified and certified specialists and companies are allowed to make energetic certifications. The energetic specialists of the e.mission Ltd. have this certification. We do the monitoring of your real estate or industrial estate quickly and precisely. The energetic certificate will be ready in four workdays after monitoring the spot.
Pursuant to the 176/2008. (VI. 30.) regulation an energetic certificate must be executed in the following cases:
- in case of a new building
- in case of selling used real or industrial estates
- in case of renting estates for more than 1 year
- in case of a magisterial fuctioned, state owned builing in current use which is bigger than 1000 m2
Thermograpy, heat mapping, thermal cam diagnostics
On the field of building diagnostics the thermal cam is definitely the biggest change in the latest decades. The thermal cam diagnostics provides punctual measurement possibilities, with what not only the waterproofing problems but the leaking of the plumbing and heating systems in the wall or floor can be revealed, as well. The heat mapping shows about a part or the whole real or industrial estate where the energy leaks and with that the money also does from your pocket.
Within the heat mapping and thermal cam diagnostics our company provides you the following services:
- Complete thermal cam diagnostics
- The analysis of the thermal insulation of wall structures
- The analysis of the sealing and thermal insulation of windows and doors (inside and outside)
- Mapping of heat bridges and heat losses
- The analysis of the heat insulation of roofings and attics
- Revealing the precipitation of moisture and mould
- Checking the efficiency of heating systems
- Measuring wall heating and the piping of floor heating, finding the leaks
- Complete checking of the electric systems
- Checking the waterproofing construction of industrial estates
Please contact us if you have any questions about our services.